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Activity 2.2 Return on Investment Evaluator
The intent of this application is to effectively estimate the financial impact of IPv6 adoption on businesses in order to facilitate the uptake of the IPv6 protocol. The application will calculate the value potentially delivered or enabled by an implementation project by evaluating net present value, return on investment, and payback period over a defined time period (nominally 15 years).The generic benefits delivered by IPv6 appear to be understood (security, efficiency, enhancement of applications and creation of net-new applications). As all users will potentially receive all features and therefore receive all benefits to a lesser or greater extent, the analysis required here is not one of features versus benefits, but rather how much of each benefit is delivered.
The application requires you to define the nature of your business (user, ISP, application vendor or infrastructure vendor) and then uses the size of your IT establishment to estimate the transition costs, transition timing and cost breakdown.
The application enables you to itemise benefits that are expected to be derived through devices within your business whose performance will be enhanced by use of IPv6. You may select the timing of introduction of each benefit and may select or deselect each benefit line to assess the realtive contribution of each benefit.
Download the IPv6 ROI Evaluator
This software will run in Excel 2003 and later (probably in earlier versions too). It also runs in OpenOffice2.0 on Linux operating systems.
Please send comments or problem reports to Executive Director, Internet Society of Australia, on ed@isoc-au.org.au
Holly Raiche
Internet Society of Australia
The IPv6 for e-Business project is supported by the Australian Government through the Information Technology Online (ITOL) Program of the Department of Communications, Information Technology and the Arts.