
Australian IPv6 Summit

Accessibility and Usability of IPv6 applications? (.ppt 0.2 Mb)
Gunela Astbrink

Will accessibility and usability be the driving force behind the successful take-up of IPv6-based consumer applications?

Usability means that products will be user-friendly and intuitive, easy to configure, easy to maintain and will be backwards compatible with existing consumer electronics. Accessibility in this particular context means that a product can be used by most members of the population regardless of their age or functional ability.

This presentation will explore the principles of inclusive design that incorporate usability and accessibility and relate them to emerging IPv6-based consumer applications.

IPv6: a Milestone, Not a Millstone (.ppt 1.0 Mb)
Keith Besgrove

IPv6: The Australian View (.ppt 0.1 Mb)
Michael H. Biber

Carriers, ISPs, multinationals, enterprises, SMEs, SOHO and domestic end users - all have an overwhelming need for IPv6 but just don't appreciate it yet. We'll examine the current state of play in IPv6 adoption in Australia. We'll look at the real and misconceived barriers to this adoption. Transparency seems to be key - we all want the benefits if they are real but don't want to change what we're doing now. So don't change...extend!

The challenge for the vendors, service providers, systems integrators and implementers is to protect the current investments and introduce the tangible benefits of IPv6 implementations without disrupting (and indeed complementing) existing arrangements.

Ways to Secure e-Government (.ppt 10.0 Mb)
Prof. Tai M. Chung

Security is one of the key issues in developing an e-government. My presentation will raise some issues and concerns to make an e-government secure, and talk about few security techniques to resolve the issues. I will also mention how the security paradigm needs to be changed in the new e-government environments - ubiquitous.

IPv6 Deployment (.ppt 2.3 Mb)
Ric Clark

This talk will examine the drivers within the Internet industry that are bringing about IPv6 deployment, rather than the technical issues.

IPv6 Allocations and DNS Deployment (.ppt 1.6 Mb)
John L Crain

The talk will take us through a brief overview of the administration of global Identifiers. It will focus on some of the history of IP Address Administration and where we are today. A brief overview of some of the past changes the industry has gone through with IPv4 Addressing, and some reflections on what this may teach us about IPv6 deployment and how it will affect the Domain Name System.

Australian Experience of a National IPv6 Network for Research (.ppt 6.7 Mb)
Paul Davis

All of Australia's research and education networks run IPv6; GrangeNet - the Grid and next generation network - has been running native IPv6 since 2002. GrangeNet provides Australian researchers with a framework for the development of grid services, an opportunity to test-drive high performance networks and an IPv6 test-bed. The presentation will describe the uptake of IPv6 by the academic sector and the ways in which GrangeNet has been assisting researchers to prepare for and deploy IPv6.

Transition and IPv6 deployment (.ppt 0.6 Mb)
Jeff Doyle

This talk examines which of the long list of IPv6 transition technologies have gained acceptance and common usage, and looks at both strategies and pitfalls in transitioning to IPv6.

IP version 6 Applications and Services (this presentation not available)
Prof. Hiroshi Esaki

The Internet has been exploring the fourth wave, after three major waves we have experienced. The fourth wave is Broadband, Ubiquitous and Mobile networking, which accommodates huge number of non-computer devices. As well as the increase in numbers and heterogeniety of end-stations, usage of the Internet is going to change. It will migrate from GET money by selling connectivity, to SAVE money by using digital information. This presentation shows some examples of IPv6 applications in this new direction. These are transportation systems, facility networking and real-time interactive communications.

US Navy IPv6 Transition (.ppt 4.2 Mb)
Mark L Evans

Partnership and the Art of the Possible: How Government Investment in Commercial Development of IPv6 can be a Win Win (.ppt 4.2 Mb)
Chris Gunderson

The U.S. Secretary of Defense has mandated that his department be IPv6-capable with backward compatibility to IPv4, by FY08. This policy is intended as a forward looking measure to ensure that the U.S. military is not burdened with an expensive, less capable, legacy communications suite when industry adopts the next generation internet protocol. However, as written, the policy could result in program managers (PM) merely complying with the letter of the law. That is, PM's are likely to either accept whatever IPv6 package "comes with" the COTS packages it buys, or pay their prime contractors to "wrap" current communication topology in the IPv6 protocol.

A better approach might be to write policy that encourages program managers to "invest" in IPv6 COTS development. That is, study the art of the possible, with respect to both desired netcentric capability (e.g. coalition mobile and ad hoc networks with cross-domain Information Assurance embedded), and the potential of the new IPv6 technology to team creatively with industry to ensure that coalition military requirements are front and center in IPv6 COTS solutions.

Security issues with IPv6 deployment (.pdf 1.8 Mb)
Tony Hain

As network managers consider IPv6 deployments one of the first issues they raise is security. This talk will cover differing perspectives on what 'security' means, why you don't need and how to live without a NAT, as well as the range of attacks and the differences or similarities between IPv6 and IPv4.

IPv6 - Opportunities and Realities (.ppt 0.3 Mb) and Address space debate (.ppt 0.3 Mb)
Geoff Huston

What are the opportunities that are associated with IPv6? If there really are a set of strong opportunities for IPv6 then why has IPv6 deployment been such a small fraction of the Ipv4 Internet? What is industry waiting for before they make significant investments in IPv6 services? What are users waiting for before they start exercising a clear preference for IPv6 services? This presentation will explore some of the underlying technology, business and regulatory drivers for technology deployment and then relate these drivers to the IPv6 situation.

IPv6: Enabling the Two-Way Internet & End-2-End Innovation (.ppt 16.1 Mb)
Latif Ladid

New Internet applications and services require a symmetric/interactive Internet, end2end connection, end2end QoS, end2end security, active mobility, a functioning multicast, and configuration on the fly. IPv6 is a conservative design restoring the end-2-end model, while NAT (Network Address Translation means sharing an single IP address among several users) is a radical architectural change of the Internet.

IPv6 will lead the Internet where it should go and where it has not gone before, enabling new business models beyond the current web model. IPv6 is a vital plumbing upgrade for building of the New Internet. It's the investment of the 21st century for innovation and ubiquitous services. Short term deployment areas should be in the broadband access, VoIP and P2P, with P2P using over 70% of the Internet traffic today. Medium and long term areas will be 3G, GRID, Home Networking, Gaming industry, the Car2Car apps, Sensor networks, RFID apps, building automation, remote control services, to name but a few.

Mobility Support in IPv6 (.ppt 2.3 Mb)
Henrik Petander

Enhanced mobility support is one of the key drivers of IPv6. Mobile IPv6 allows mobile nodes to move between different networks while keeping their existing communications with correspondent nodes and remaining reachable with the help of a fixed mobility anchor point. In contrast to Mobile IPv4, Mobile IPv6 allows mobile nodes to communicate directly with their peers using optimized direct routes.

This increases the scalability of the protocol and also improves networking performance of mobile nodes. Mobile IPv6 is designed for inter domain mobility management and it also supports inter-access technology handovers. Currently intra domain mobility in systems using Mobile IP, such as the 3GPP2 networks, is handled at the link layer. However, IETF is developing standards for improving intra domain mobility support in IPv6. In addition to mobility management of hosts, Mobile IPv6 can also be used to manage the mobility of mobile networks, for example networks inside trains and airplanes, using the NEMO extension.

Australian Department of Defence's Transition to IPv6 (.ppt 0.3 Mb) and
Notes from the talk (.doc 0.1 Mb)
Air Commodore David Richards

The Department of Defence is a strong supporter of IPv6, and believes that harnessing the potential of IPv6 will give Defence capabilities that IPv4 simply cannot deliver. In February this year Defence issued a policy regarding the use of IPv6, which mandated a transition to IPv6, and specified 2013 as the date when it would complete the transition. This talk examines the reasons for the mandate and the challenges the Department of Defence faces.

The IPv6 DNS in Korea (.ppt 3.5 Mb)
Dr Sir, Jae-Chul (presented by Hiroshi Esaki)

IPv6 within the Australian Government (.ppt 0.2 Mb)
Colin Thomas

Challenges in IPv6 Address Management (.ppt 1.7 Mb)
Paul Wilson

APNIC is the Regional Internet address Registry for the Asia Pacific region, and is therefore responsible for the allocation and distribution of IPv6 addresses in this part of the world. In this presentation, Paul Wilson will describe fundamentals of IPv6 addressing, of address management and of current management policies. He will also discuss some of the challenges that are being faced today within the regional and global IPv6 addressing communities.

IPv6 and the DNS (.ppt 1.0 Mb)
Chris Wright and Chris Disspain

IPv6 requires changes to the core DNS before it can effectively be used as a worldwide IPv4 replacement. Fortunately most of these changes are straightforward and have been implemented by several organisations responsible for producing DNS software. What are these changes? How will they affect the transition to IPv6? What stage is the Australian, and the rest of the world's, DNS infrastructure up to in terms of supporting IPv6?
