Australian IPv6 Summit 2006
IPv6 presentations available now in .pdf format (note, some are very large files). The presentation abstracts are below:
- Thinking differently in Africa - the opportunity presented by IPv6 (0.2Mb) - Andrew Alston
- Address management in IPv6 (0.3Mb) - Karl Auer
- IPv6: the Australian View (0.3Mb) - Michael Biber
- Challenges of IPv6 Deployment in a Production Environment (0.7Mb) - Ron Broersma
- Australian e-Government Strategy (0.4Mb) - Peter Dale
- Multiservice Networks: Driving IPv6 Deployment Now, Not Later (2.4Mb) - Jeff Doyle
- IPv6 Deployment Status in Japan - Exploring New Business Areas (Note: 24.6Mb) - Prof. Hiroshi Esaki
- An ISP Perspective on IPv6 Deployment (2.1Mb) - Simon Hackett
- IPv6 Security (3.6Mb) - Tony Hain
- IPv6 for e-Business (1.8Mb) - Tony Hill
- IPv6 and Mobile Wireless Broadband (7.1Mb) - Dr Byung-Chang Kang
- The New Internet and IPv6: Technology's Next Big Step (Note: 10.8Mb) - Latif Ladid
- Defence Information Environment - Transition to IPv6 (0.3Mb) - Air Commodore David Richards
These presentations will be available soon:
- IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy - Cecil Goldstein
- Netcentricity, Service Oriented Architecture, IPv6, and All That Jazz... - Prof. Chris Gunderson
- IPv6 Deployment Strategy and Perspective in Korea - KwanBok Jo
- The High Performance Computing Modernization Program and IPv6 - Rodger Johnson
- Why Web2.0 will drive IPv6 Deployment - Dr Roger Kermode
- IPv6, Great for Users, a Challenge for the Enterprise - Qing Li
- IPv6 Operational experiences at APNIC - Terry Manderson
- MobileIPv6, Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Nets: the Future of Autonomous Networking - Charles E. Perkins
Thinking differently in Africa - the opportunity presented by IPv6
Andrew AlstonAcross the African continent and the developing world the rates of Internet penetration are some of the highest in the world. This is complicated by the problems of both lack of IPv4 space, and by huge bandwidth constraints faced in these countries. IPv6 offers a chance to think differently, to solve the problems of address space, and also during implementation to encourage the rollout of things such as Multicast, which assists in the solving of these problems.
This presentation will cover where we view IPv6 going on the African continent, how it has helped us and will continue to do so, and how we plan to encourage its use.
Address management in IPv6
Karl AuerFor anyone with a medium to large network, address management is a big issue, an issue which is more important than ever with IPv6. Good address management costs; bad address management costs even more. But IPv6 includes automatic address allocation doesn't it? Surely that solves the problem?
This presentation explains why it doesn't; why DHCPv6 is essential if the move to IPv6 is not to be a step back in time to the bad old days of manual addressing - and worse, of manual naming! This presentation offers some techniques for clean automation of address management in an ever more dynamic addressing environment.
IPv6: the Australian View
Michael H. Biber
Challenges of IPv6 Deployment in a Production Environment
Ron Broersma
Multiservice Networks: Driving IPv6 Deployment Now, Not Later
Jeff DoyleTriple-play, Quad-Play, Multi-Play? Whatever the latest marketing buzzword, multiple service offerings are essential for telcos, carriers, ISPs, and MSOs to survive and remain competitive. Mobile IPv6, end-to-end security, P2P networking, an IP address in every home appliance? We've heard all the promises that IPv6 holds for the future. But what about IPv6 right here, right now?
This presentation shows how the deployment of multiservice networks is driving the deployment of IPv6 - not in the future, but right now. We will look at the functional and architectural requirements for multiservice networks, how IPv6 fits into the various models, and examine one or two current active deployments of IPv6 in service provider networks.
Australian e-Government Strategy
Peter DaleIPv6 will present several challenges to governments as they strive to keep pace with the changes it will bring. There is no doubting that IPv6 is on the action list for the Australian Government. As many other commentators have said in the past, IPv6 is not a question of "if", but "when". IPv6 is already here, it is already on our networks.
From the perspective of Australian Government agencies, the question of `when to transition?' is complicated by a number of issues that require resolution. Mr Dale will present an update on the Australian Governments position in respect to IPv6 deployment in Australian Government agencies.
IPv6 Deployment Status in Japan - Exploring New Business Areas
Professor Hiroshi EsakiThe WIDE Project and the IPv6 Promotion Council have worked on the strategic development and deployment of IPv6 technology for many years, since around 2000. IPv6 technology must be adopted by the legacy telecommunication and computer industry for professional and business deployment, while exploring new business areas. This presentation gives an overview of the current status of IPv6 development and deployment in Japan, with a focus on new potential deployment fields such as sensor networks or facility networking, and on the practical benefits of IPv6 technology based on business cases.
IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
Cecil GoldsteinInternet address space is a vital public resource; it therefore needs to be carefully and correctly overseen and shared in order to ensure the continued operation and the long-term stability of the Internet. IP address space distribution and management is governed by a series of policies and guidelines collectively agreed upon by the Internet community and developed by balancing a set of objectives and principles against prevailing realities, practical considerations and even conflicting interests. In turn, the responsibility for facilitating the implementation of these policies and guidelines, as well as managing the administration of address distribution resides with the Internet registries.
This presentation will discuss the policies and procedures governing IPv6 public address space allocation within the AP region. The relevant policies will be examined in detail, and the goals, principles and rationale guiding their development will be discussed. In addition, the procedures for requesting IPv6 addresses and for then allocating these will be considered. The role and activities of APNIC, the Asia Pacific Internet Registry, in administrating address allocation, facilitating policy development and providing member support will be described.
Examples of the procedures for requesting IPv6 address space will be given. This will include the consideration of allocation criteria and how the allocation is then given and managed. Reference to sub-allocations and assignments will also be made. The presentation will also include an update on the current status of IPv6 address allocation and usage in the Asia Pacific region.
Netcentricity, Service Oriented Architecture, IPv6, and All That Jazz...
Chris GundersonThe U.S. Department of Defense recognizes that enabling effective distributed (i.e. netcentric) operations across its visionary service-oriented Global Information Grid (GIG) will require profound changes in standard engineering and acquisition process. Specifically, netcentric principles must be applied to engineering. That is, distributed developers and operators must self-synchronize to rapidly assemble products and services to create incrementally more powerful information processing capability.
Applying these ideas, a new Netcentric Accelerator process will roll out quantifiable increments of improved capability in ~90-day increments. For example, a 90-day project might use distributed sensor data, web services, and wireless IPv6 infrastructure to decrease the detect-to-engage timeline for a targeting event in Iraq. The accelerator will include a process to certify that prototypes are 'net-ready.' Therefore, successful prototypes can move directly to a commercial e-business portal, pre-approved for government application. The portal will include an on-line catalog of these net-ready consumable offerings similar to Amazon.Com and a searchable on-line collection of net-ready certification test results in a format similar to Consumer Reports.
An ISP Perspective on IPv6 Deployment
Simon HackettThe oldest remaining 'not done' item in my 'things to do list', as the CEO of a large national Australian broadband ISP, is this one:
That 'to do' item is now several years old. But ... here we are, in 2006, and Internode still hasn't done so. We, of all people, 'get it.' Our customer base is rich in technically literate, technically interested people. We LIKE this stuff!
- Deploy IPv6
So: why haven't we deployed IPv6 for our customer base as yet (in common with most other commercial ISPs in Australia)?
Well, that is indeed the question. The aim of this keynote is to explore the reasons for that, and to explore the path toward solving it - so I (and the rest of the industry) can finally get that 'to do' item ... done.
IPv6 Security
Tony HainThis talk will cover various security concerns that are frequently raised about IPv6. In particular it will highlight the error in the widespread perception that NAT is a security tool, and discuss a variety of techniques in IPv6 that can be used to accomplish the underlying goal. In addition there will be a discussion about the range of attack vectors, with pointers to whitepapers for more detailed follow up.
IPv6 for e-Business
Tony Hill
IPv6 Deployment Strategy and Perspective in Korea
KwanBok JoThe presentation covers the government level of IPv6 promotion policy and efforts in Korea. It also touches on the current status of IPv6 deployment in Korea from the market point of view, and gives some nation-wide real IPv6-based applications and services, called KOREAv6. Finally, the presentation offers a future perspective on IPv6 in Korea.
The High Performance Computing Modernization Program and IPv6
Rodger JohnsonThe Defense Research Engineering Network (DREN, pronounced dee-ren) provides wide area network bandwidth for the U.S. Department of Defense's (DOD) High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) and its Major Shared Resource Centers (MSRCs), to successfully address the computational workload of DOD's HPC science and technology community. The DREN now provides advanced networking capability to a greater customer base at a larger data capacity than previously available to the DOD HPCMPO community.
The High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) was assembled out of a collection of small high performance computing departments, each with a rich history of supercomputing experience, that had independently evolved within the Army, Air Force, and Navy laboratories and test centers. It is under the cognizance of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Science and Technology).
The HPCMP provides the supercomputer services, high-speed network communications, and computational science expertise that enables the Defense laboratories and test centers to conduct a wide range of focused research, development, and test activities. This partnership puts advanced technology in the hands of U.S. forces more quickly, less expensively, and with greater certainty of success. Today's programs have benefited through innovative materials, advanced design concepts, improved and faster modification programs, higher fidelity simulations, and more efficient tests in basic and applied plasma physics, turbulence modeling, molecular engineering, high-energy materials, and advanced signal processing.
IPv6 and Mobile Wireless Broadband
Dr Byung-Chang KangThe year of 2006 is the most important one in the history of WiMax technology, because the world's first commercial WiBro service (Mobile Wireless Broadband based on IEEE 802.16e) has started in Korea. Moreover, some operators such as Sprint recently announced that they are going to service WiBro as a 4G technology within a couple of years in the United States. IPv6 is one of the key technologies enabling future communication networks. In this talk, WiBro service and technology will be introduced. The advantages of adapting IPv6 technology to WiBro will be explained, and technical issues will be discussed.
Why Web2.0 will drive IPv6 Deployment
Dr Roger KermodeToday's Internet is increasingly being asked to provide communication services that were not considered when the basic design assumptions and architecture were laid out over thirty years ago. IPv6 provides a solution that takes these design assumption changes into account. However, many of the new features are being retrofitted into IPv4, thereby delaying transition to IPv6 and resulting in an increasingly cumbersome Internet user experience. Fortunately this situation is about to change, thanks to the increasing prevalence of online services, and in particular those based on Web2.0 principles.
This presentation compares the major design assumptions and business drivers inherent in IPv4 and IPv6, and shows how they have led to the rise of Web2.0 services. Examples of how Web2.0 services are driving changes in Finance, Media, and Government will also be discussed, along with how this trend can be harnessed to expedite IPv6 deployment.
The New Internet and IPv6: Technology's Next Big Step
Latif LadidIf you missed the internet boom or got in too late, this is your second chance!
The new Internet will be a symmetrical and interactive two-way Internet, while the current one is just a one-way Internet. IPv6 will be largely driven by the technology refresh and technology/business case. The perception that IPv6 will replace IPv4 is incorrect since IPv6 was designed to cater for many deployment scenarios, starting with extending packet technology to support transition models to keep IPv4 working forever.
IPv6 deployment also caters for new uses and new models that require a combination of features that were not tightly designed or scalable in IPv4, like IP mobility, end to end connectivity, end to end services, and ad hoc services. The extreme scenario is where IP becomes a commodity service, enabling lowest-cost deployment of large scale sensor networks such as RFID, IP in the car, to any imaginable scenario where networking adds value to commodity. This is called progress.
IPv6, Great for Users, a Challenge for the Enterprise
Qing LiAn individual user's ability to acquire unique IPv6 address and perform end-to-end secure communication is a wonderful thing from a user's perspective. When such a user is situated inside an enterprise, such capabilities often translate into security breaches and liabilities. Enterprises have access and usage policies, and policies that classify, prioritize, restrict and accelerate traffic flows. Secure proxies are deployed to enforce enterprise policies and allow security officers and IT managers to police the traffic as the man-in-the-middle, which contradicts one of IPv6 design goals.
In certain areas IPv6 does not necessarily offer solutions, instead, it offers challenges to both application designers and IT professionals. This presentation will share the development and the deployment experience of an IPv6 proxy in the enterprise environment.
IPv6 Operational Experiences at APNIC
Terry MandersonThe Asia Pacific Network Information Centre has been running an IPv6 enabled network with IPv6 services since 2002. As an early adopter of IPv6, APNIC has substantial experience in running and using services in the IPv6 world. This presentation touches on some of the operational experiences that APNIC has had in using and supporting IPv6 Services to both internal customers and to the Internet.
MobileIPv6, Ad Hoc Networks and Sensor Nets: the Future of Autonomous Networking
Charles E. PerkinsWithin the IETF, numerous working groups are using IPv6 as the basis for solving protocol problems related to mobility. The longest-established group has standardized Mobile IPv6. Several other groups have used Mobile IPv6 as the departure point for creating solutions for more specialized problems such as network mobility, improved routing optimizations, and localized mobility management. Besides protocol developments related to particular, there is now a document specifying a new protocol called DYMO (for Dynamic Mobile Networks).
IPv6 is also the basis for other mobility-related protocol development unrelated to Mobile IPv6. Recent progress for ad hoc networking and address autoconfiguration is also based on IPv6 as the starting point. Outside the IETF, quite a few new models for addressing have seen new development, some specifically targeted for use with sensor networks. Some examples of these new kinds of addresses include mobicast and geocast; the existing anycast and multicast address semantics may also take on new importance in ad hoc and sensor nets. We will see evolution and growth of the Internet to provide an ever-higher degree of connectivity between people, especially as the billions of wireless telephones become full-fledged Internet devices.
We will probably see an even greater increase in connectivity between a new "Internet of Things" and people who can then reap the benefits of monitoring and controlling (perhaps implicitly) automated devices creating a more comfortable and fun lifestyle. This, along with projected improvements in social networking, will be seen to exhibit the power of IPv6's bountiful supply of unique network addresses. To further illustrate this point, I will go into some details about ad hoc networks which represent an area of major interest related to mobile, autonomous networking of the future.
Defence Information Environment - Transition to IPv6
Air Commodore David RichardsIn February 2005, the Department of Defence promulgated a policy on implementing IPV6. The timeline for implementation is cautious, extending out to 2013. The cornerstone of the policy is a strategy that sees hardware being replaced with IPV6 capable components as part of the normal equipment refresh program. A Defence IPV6 project office will be established to manage the transition of Defence's networks in a timely manner.
This presentation will examine the reasons why Defence is adopting IPV6 and outline the extant policy and timeline for implementation. Defence progress to date will be reviewed.