Australian Summit 2007: IPv6 at Work
Presentations and Abstracts
Most of the presentation slides are available for download in PDF format, see individual entries below.
- IPv6 in the Workplace - Michael Biber
- ISOC and IPv6 - Dr Vint Cerf [presentation not available]
- The Australian Government's IPv6 Transition Strategy - Peter Dale
- IPv6 Technology and Services in Japan - Professor Hiroshi Esaki
- W2COG "GIGlite" Open For Business! - Professor Chris Gunderson
- URIs and IPv6 ... when is a Device not a Device? - Tim Hibberd
- Closing Summary and Future Activities - Tony Hill
- Technology, Engineering, Religion and IPv6 - Geoff Huston
- IPv6-Based Services and Operational Experiences in Japan - Shintaro Kojima
- Practical Experiences with IPv6 - VPNs, Transition, and More - Dr Umesh Krishnaswamy
- Regional Directions in IPv6 - Where to Now? - Ching-Heng Ku
- Future Internet: To IP or not to IP - Latif Ladid
- Developing IPv6 Capable Proxies - Qing Li [presentation not available]
- Industry Perspective on Regional Tactical Information Environment - Jock McManus
- Hands-on IPv6 Workshop - Veena Merz
- Hands-on IPv6 Workshop - Chris Myers
- Status of IPv6 in Department of Defence Planning - Paul Pappas
- IPv6-Based Mesh and Ad-hoc Networks - Charles E. Perkins
- IP Version Agnostic Networks - Service Realities and Lessons Learned - Dr Chip Popoviciu
- Interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 Networks - Bruce Sinclair
- IPv6 and Its Application in the Smart Home - Professor Jack Singh
- IPv6 Deployment Status in Korea - Dr Sir, Jae-Chul
- AARNet's Experience with IPv6 [Paper also available] - Glen Turner
- Current Status of the Resources in IANA's Registries - Leo Vegoda
IPv6 in the Workplace
Michael H. BiberWorkplaces come in many shapes and sizes however they have a few fundamental things in common. This presentation gives an overview of the key findings that drive the adoption of IPv6, the practical problems that organisations have identified and their solutions. As with any business, technology adoptions should meet some basic fundamentals:
We will look at multiple industry sectors and the realistic implementation lessons learned.
- They must yield cost savings (short term payback)
- They should create or enhance revenue streams (long term payback)
- They can generate a competitive or strategic advantage (value add)
- They must meet a technological imperative (WIIFM)
Dr Vint Cerf
The Australian Government's IPv6 Transition Strategy
Peter DaleAustralian Government agencies will need to transition to Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) to benefit from the security and technological advances that will be available in the IPv6 environment and to maintain the high level of interoperability that exists between the Australian Government and other governments.
By managing the IPv6 transition process early and collectively, agencies will be able to better align and synchronise transition programmes, optimise procurement, manage programme and technical risks and more deliberately manage vulnerabilities.
This presentation will discuss the development of the Australian Government's Strategy for the Transition to IPv6 for Australian Government agencies - Building Capacity for Future Innovation and the first steps in its implementation.
IPv6 Technology and Services in Japan
Professor Hiroshi EsakiIn this presentation, the speaker will give the current status of R&D and deployment of IPv6 technology and services in Japan. He will describe the internet service offered by the Japanese ISPs and explain how IPv6 is almost ready for full service.
Since August 2007, the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication has established a committee that investigates a smooth IPv6 transition to counter the rapid exhaustion of IPv4 addresses. On the other hand, there are some unique activities in Japan which create potential new markets for ICT business. This includes energy saving and emergency services to counter natural disasters. As an example, a description will be provided of the Live E! project.
W2COG "GIGlite" Open For Business!
Professor Chris GundersonGIGlite ... faster, better, cheaper validation, verification, certification & accreditation of IPv6 enabled capability.
At the last two Australian IPV6 summits, I discussed how the U.S. Department of Defense is sponsoring a public/private partnership,the World Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG), around the notion of "netcentric" engineering and acquisition. Netcentricity is a concept of effective, ad hoc, collaboration among providers and consumers of data intended to enable "information dominance." To realize this netcentric vision, the DoD must exploit Internet technology on the same rapid time scales that the best practitioners of e-business achieve.
Traditional DoD acquisition process, which is, after all, designed to field large specialized systems like tanks, ships, and missiles, is not up to the task. W2COG and its "GIGlite" attack the problem by embedding government-approved certification processes in a commercial/government off the shelf (COTS/GOTS) "open technology development" (OTD) environment. COTS and GOTS network-enabling software are tested for utility and security as part of the bundling process. Successful prototype bundles receive net-ready certification when the prototypes are productized and placed on the market as pre-approved offerings. This method offers the IPv6 community a faster, cheaper, better way to demonstrate and deploy IPv6 enabled capability bundles.
URIs and IPv6 ... when is a Device not a Device?
Tim HibberdThe shift from a device-centric world to a service-centric world is challenging our preconceptions about device IDs. It is possible for an IPv6 ID associated with a device to also be synonymous with a service, an individual or even an object. The purpose of this talk is to discuss the inter-relationships between IPv6, DHCPv6, URIs, URLs, DNS Domains (such as .NAME), ENUM and the nature of the potential web objects that they could represent and interconnect in inter-organisational Collaborative Service Networks.
Closing Summary and Future Activities
Tony HillTony will briefly examine the highlights of the Summit, and discuss future meetings and activities in the IPv6 area.
Technology, Engineering, Religion and IPv6
Geoff HustonThe major motivation for the entire IPv6 effort was the forecast exhaustion of the IPv4 address pools. We are now nearing this event and it appears that the overall state of preparedness for this situation is very poor. This presentation will take a look at the various scenarios for the Internet in a couple of years time, and look at why IPv6 has been a poor business proposition so far and what factors may change this assessment in the near future.
IPv6-Based Services and Operational Experiences in Japan
Shintaro KojimaTriggered by the IPv4 address depletion prediction that addresses will run out in 2010 or 2011, IPv6 deployment and transition were accelerated in Japan. NTT Communications completed deployment of IPv6/IPv4 dual stack infrastructure in 2004, and working for smooth network and address migrations. Now, one of the major IPv6 issues is how to drive the IPv6 market on the infrastructure. This presentation describes IPv6-based services offered in Japan and our long term operational experiences with the global IPv6 network.
Practical Experiences with IPv6 - VPNs, Transition, and More
Dr Umesh KrishnaswamyThe most frequently asked question by service providers is "What are others doing with IPv6?" This question is motivated partially to learn from peers and partially to gauge the network effect. This talk will attempt to answer that question by going over some deployments of IPv6, applications like IPv6 layer-3 virtual private networks (VPNs), connecting IPv6 sites over IPv4 enabled MPLS, unicast and multicast over IPv6, and operational details with IPv6.
Regional Directions in IPv6 - Where to Now?
Ching-Heng KuThere are sixteen IPv6 Forums in Asia Pacific - those belong to Australia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, New Zealand, China, India, Pacific Island, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Philippines, Pakistan, and Nepal. The Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force holds the APv6TF meeting twice a year to make a platform to discuss strategy and technology on the status and trends of IPv6 progress.
There are some on-going working groups in the AP IPv6 TF, including the Asia Pacific IPv6 white paper on Wiki and the measurement of IPv6 readiness. This presentation will introduce the activities of IPv6 deployment in Asia Pacific and the status of the AP IPv6 Task Force.
Future Internet: To IP or not to IP
Latif LadidAs the world's societies and economies depend increasingly on the Internet, after three decades the Internet and other global networks are approaching a crossroads. Leading Internet architects believe that the premises on which the Internet was built need rethinking, in order to preserve and expand opportunities for innovation and economic growth. The window of opportunity is now, for international cooperation and coherent policies to help shape a global Internet, that meets the needs of as many users as possible, is robust and secure, and that can scale itself to evolving requirements.
Against the backdrop of a broadening base of users worldwide and rapid convergence to IP networks for voice, data, and video, the Internet offers the world's economies and societies increasing opportunities for economic growth and social development; whether it be through information, e-commerce, communication/social networks, the participative web, entertainment, Web services, e-government or for critical infrastructures such as power grids, financial systems, air traffic control and intelligence systems.
The Internet is rapidly becoming a key ingredient in our economic infrastructure - akin to electricity and roads- as well as our social structures. And its significance is poised to dramatically increase as we usher in a new era of ubiquitous sensor networks using technologies such as RFID to connect the physical world - supply chains, items, and people - in real-time. The opportunities offered by faster, more capable, and increasingly pervasive IP-based applications, both wired and wireless, are accompanied by issues that need addressing, including ensuring reliability and manageability, security and privacy, interoperability of the network of networks, and enabling the global exchange of information and views.
This talk will look into the various schools of thought from US GENI, Canadian Canarie UCLP, ITU-T NGN, WIDE Project and IPv6, creating awareness about immediate work to be done and long term research from a blue sky and clean slate perspective.
Developing IPv6 Capable Proxies
Qing LiThe IPv6 capable proxy is a necessary transition appliance. I will share the experience gained from the development and deployment of our IPv6 proxy product.
Industry Perspective on Regional Tactical Information Environment
Jock McManusMilitary Interoperability in the field of Information Exchange traditionally relies heavily on systems and standards that have been developed specifically for Defence purposes. Over the past decade, increasing numbers of Defence suppliers have been able to offer Commercial systems technology that meets, and quite often exceeds, the demanding Military standards.
In the particularly complex field of Tactical Data Links, military organisations are now realising that the use of commercial technology in concert with military requirements creates powerful opportunities to distribute strategic, operational and tactical knowledge across the battlespace. In this presentation Jock will provide an overview of where Military Communications and Tactical Data Links are incorporating commercial technologies and standards such as IPv6.
Status of IPv6 in Department of Defence Planning
Paul PappasDefence planning for IPv6 initially commenced in 2004, and resulted in the release of a policy for IPv6 in February 2005. This policy has mandated transition to IPv6 by 2013.
The main drivers for the Department of Defence moving to IPv6 are continued interoperability with our allies and our move towards network centric warfare. Both will result in the proliferation of IP based networks in the future battlespace. As the pool of available IPv4 addresses will rapidly deplete, and Defence has an increasing need for IP address space, the transition to IPv6 will be inevitable.
Defence has developed an early transition plan, determined and sought an IPv6 address allocation, and has established an IPv6 compliance testing environment. Numerous challenges are still to be faced including maintaining interoperability with our major allies, Australian Government agencies and industry, as each organisation pursues its own timeline to IPv6.
IPv6-Based Mesh and Ad-hoc Networks
Charles PerkinsThe last couple of years have seen a marked increase in the deployment of wireless mesh networks. Many of the most widely publicised networks have been in municipal settings. However, in the developing world, there are an increasing number of deployments in rural communities. For many such communities, there are several well-known requirements:
It seems that IPv6-based mesh and ad-hoc networks are able to meet these requirements. Recent efforts in subequatorial Africa have shed light on new best practices and also have served to validate the engineering approaches involved in these technologies. On the other hand, some needs are still unmet, including:
- Battery or solar powered operation
- Low maintenance
- Automatic configuration and setup
Enabling these features will, no doubt, serve to benefit the Internet at large in addition to providing crucial support for the rural communities that are making their needs clear already today.
- User-friendly security
- Remote administration
- Delay-tolerant networking
In my talk, I will describe some of the existing deployment experience and also our recent advances in experimenting with our wireless mesh testbed. There is a very active community of researchers making use of programmable 802.11 access points, and creating new software for them to operate as a very inexpensive wireless mesh. We are building on the experience of this research community to progress towards new products to serve the emerging markets.
As the emerging markets mature, the role of IPv6 may grow continually in importance as the local population benefits from improved economy and better interconnection between neighbouring villages. IPv6 may also be instrumental in enabling applications that help to create the 'Internet of Things' as the people in the local wireless mesh learn to deploy sensor networks and other network elements in new ways.
We are also likely to see a redefinition of the term 'social networking' as it begins to have application in societies significantly different from our daily experience. How these concepts will play out in the future is hard to fathom, but it is a very good bet that IPv6 will play a role in hastening the emergence of new markets, new economies, and new societies.
IP Version Agnostic Networks - Service Realities and Lessons Learned
Dr Ciprian PopoviciuWhether driven by IPv4 addressing constraints, by fear of IPv4 address space depletion, by mandates or by the need for a network overlay supporting a new IP service, IPv6 is being deployed around the world. While most deployments are walled-in gardens for the time being, they can be surprisingly large in size and they operate at production level. Great experience has already been gained from defining IPv6 strategies, from planning IPv6 services and from deploying IPv6 infrastructures. Practical capabilities of IPv6 and the opportunities it offers are actively being explored.
There is a significant and rapidly growing body of work with respect to IPv6 deployment practice. While best practices have yet to be defined, we learned interesting lessons related to addressing, provisioning, routing, performance and deployment planning. This talk explores some of the lessons learned from real IPv6 deployments and early IPv6 adopters. Presented along with a market perspective, these lessons provide guiding for future planners and adopters. They highlight both challenges and opportunities that come a long with the new version of the Internet Protocol.
Interoperability between IPv4 and IPv6 Networks
Bruce SinclairOne of the key IPv6 deployment challenges is to provide interoperability and compatibility between IPv6 and IPv4 networks, services, applications and devices while providing secure and cost effective IPv6 services. One must deliver practical solutions to deploy IPv6, where connectivity and support for legacy services will play a key role. This presentation will look at the challenges and will provide solutions to deploy efficiently IPv6 services in fixed and wireless networks, while providing connectivity and interoperability between new and existing networks and services.
IPv6 and Its Application in the Smart Home
Professor Jack SinghIPv6 has enabled the next generation of applications due to its new and simplified IP header, new and expanded addressing architecture and improved support for IP options. One of the important emerging applications of IPv6 is the smart home, where home appliances, lighting systems, security systems, services, etc, are linked via an in-home communication network that allows them to be remotely controlled, monitored or accessed.
Communication infrastructure for home automation is currently well-built, as the devices can communicate via power line or wireless network. However, it is important to have an efficient network protocol to enhance the performance of such extensive and complex communication network. IPv6 approach can be efficiently employed in such extensive network, and this is addressed in this presentation.
IPv6 Deployment Status in Korea
Dr Sir, Jae-ChulJae-Chul Sir will present the current IPv6 deployment status in Korea. He will introduce the IPv6 applied service areas of Korean ISPs with the government's strategy. The Korean Ministry of Information and Communication set up a comprehensive plan of IPv6 deployment in Korea for seamless IPv6 transition for the future Internet in September 2003.
Many Korean companies also participate in IPv6 R&D projects under the umbrella of the IPv6 Forum Korea, along with Korean MIC's IPv6 deployment & promotion plan. By the end of this presentation, you will have a general picture of how IPv6 is ready at the country level.
Paper: AARNet's Experience with IPv6
Slides: AARNet's Experience with IPv6
Glen TurnerAustralia's Academic and Research Network runs a native IPv6 internet service provider network. It offers native IPv6 connections to Australia's universities, research institutions and other organisations.
This session examines: motivations for full IPv6 support; evaluating vendor claims of "IPv6 support", "full support" and value-added services; accounting and monitoring; blockers to customer take-up.
Current Status of the Resources in IANA's Registries
Leo VegodaIANA provides the registry services for the management of the IPv6 address space on a global basis. These registries track address allocations to the RIRs; addresses used for special services, like TEREDO and ORCHID; private (ULA) addressing; and anycast and multicast address assignments.
The IANA free pool of IPv4 space is shrinking fast despite recent reclamation efforts, and IANA needs to take account of its users' changing needs as proposals for the management and distribution of the remaining IPv4 pool are discussed. These changing needs include the possible creation of a new IPv6 registry for centrally registered Unique Local Addresses (ULA-C). The presentation will outline the current status of the resources in IANA's registries, and how the changes being discussed in various fora are likely to impact those registries in the near future.