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Abstracts and Presentations

Developing IPv6 Deployment in the Middle East Region - Ala'a Al-Din J. Kadhem Al-Radhi
The Middle East Region is an emerging market where IPv6 is gaining support from government bodies, ISPs and the public. This presentation will highlight:
  • Issues in the Middle East moving to IPv6
  • Issues in collaboration with partner countries and organizations:
    o How these difficulties are being overcome
    o Plans in place to deal with these issues
    o Technical examples
  • Technical wins and battles in rolling out IPv6
  • Training programs in IPv6 at both technical and managerial levels
  • Win-win scenarios in Middle East deployment and uptake of IPv6

IPv6 Readiness for Service Providers and Enterprises - Kurt Bales
As IPv6 becomes a reality for Service Providers and the Enterprise - just how prepared is your infrastructure to deal with it? I will discuss the challenges experienced in the audits that eintellego have performed, and offer an overview on how your organisation can get ready by preparing your own audit.

Australian Government Transition to IPv6: Strategy and Progress - Darren Beauchamp and John Hillier
The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), a business unit within the Department of Finance and Deregulation, is centrally managing the Australian Government's transition to IPv6. An agreed Whole-of-Government transition strategy and work plan will see agencies transition to IPv6 before the end of 2012.

This presentation by AGIMO will cover the approach and strategy that the Australian Government is taking in its transition to IPv6. At the completion of this presentation, you will have an understanding of how the Australian Government is making its transition to IPv6, a brief history of this transition, when this transition will take place, and progress to date.

IPv6's Carbon Footprint: GreenIPv6 for monitoring, control and innovation - Michael Biber
IPv6 is emerging as the common ground that enables GreenIT to reduce energy consumption through dynamic energy management. Smart buildings, Data centres, IPv6 sensor & actuator networks enable innovative interactions and networking. IPv6 provides an interactive environment with distributed information and decentralised communication among objects that facilitates managed operations, access and security.

What's happening with smart buildings and data centres in Australia? In the US, buildings and data centres account for 39% of total energy use and 71% of electricity consumed. They are responsible for 39% of total CO2 emissions, and 12% of potable water consumed. Strategies for new building offer solutions, but what about building operations that need to be retrofit-friendly? Can GreenIPv6 be applied in the home, street, rural, urban and CBDs? GreenIPv6 establishes enhanced partnerships between facility management, IT staff, and occupants. This presentation demonstrates how IPv6 scales and innovates GreenIT solutions, in the worldwide and Australian context.

IPv6 Everywhere: Living with a Fully IPv6-Enabled Environment - Ron Broersma
Since 2003, the U.S. DoD research community has been aggressively deploying IPv6 across its research and engineering networks, with several large campuses now fully IPv6-enabled. There were many lessons learned through this effort, and there are still a few challenges to overcome. This talk will review the experiences of operating and managing a large multi-campus network where everything (networks, systems, services) is dual-stack, or operates IPv6-only. There are some tools and techniques that minimize the new complexity and administrative burden. A culture change or some additional governance is required to achieve this level of comprehensive deployment.

Requirements for IPv6 in Government - Matt Carling
Australian Federal Government Departments and Agencies are generally not facing issues of IPv4 address space exhaustion, now or in the foreseeable future. However, there are user case scenarios for IPv6 deployment now. This session will explore the areas of the network and beyond where IPv6 needs to be considered, and the reasons to consider it.

Inevitable, Inescapable IPv6 - Dr Vint Cerf
This presentation will discuss issues and tactics involved in the implementation of IPv6 during 2010 to 2012.

Malware, botnets, spams and scams - will IPv6 be the end of them? Yes! And no... Paul Ducklin
Malware which is hard-wired to use IPv4-specific API calls won't work, of course -- at least, on a pure IPv6 network. Malware which relies on a cavalier attitude to traffic security (e.g. by sniffing packets for passwords) is likely to find the going much heavier in an IPv6 world, since protocol-level encryption is always available.

On the other hand, IPv6 doesn't force you to use encryption wisely (not least because there are still environments where this is prohibited by regulation). And a lot of malware is largely independent of the underlying IP network. It might attack and spread in the application layer, for example, or spreads via USB keys, or inside a social media site.

IPv6 represents both a opportunity and a challenge for security practioners and cybercriminals alike. If the Good Guys keep this firmly in mind, we won't run the risk of giving false assurances to IPv6 adopters, and so our collective will to resist cybercriminality will be maintained.

Experiences through Collaborative Activity to overcome IPv4 Address Exhaustion - Prof. Hiroshi Esaki
This presentation discusses two topics for the next decade, while we come up against IPv4 address exhaustion. One is what our task force experienced, and identifies what we should do for IPv6 full deployment. The other is a strategic new business area for IP technology, i.e., contribution to metropolitan design and implementation using advanced Internet technology, the so-called SmartCity. In particular, the Green University of Tokyo Project (GUTP) running in Japan is introduced as a practical and active project, which includes global standardization activity in the area of facility networking area.

IPv6 in the Australian Web Services Industry - Shaun Ewing
What started off as an experiment three years ago quickly turned into a push to build production quality IPv6 support into our network. As a result of these efforts, AussieHQ has been providing IPv6 enabled services since February 2008. IPv6 is here today, and this talk will outline some of the challenges and experiences we have faced as a web services provider over the past few years to get to this point, and what we expect to face in the future.

CSIRO Deployment Update: Now the Fun Starts - John Gibbins
Last year I spoke about how we deployed IPv6 on our network across the country but with only a minimum number of test users. This year we started enabling IPv6 for real users. This talk presents how we have progressed. It includes real world experiences of what happened when IPv6 was imposed on general users trying to do their work. Combining dual-stack and Windows 7 deployments can result in a large proportion of internal IPv4 traffic being replaced with IPv6. All of this is being achieved with a minimum of resources.

IPv6 at Internode: Status and Futures - Simon Hackett
IPv6 has been a production-capability offered to all Internode broadband customers for more than a year. We take a look at how it's gone, where the hard parts were, and where we're heading with it - including where the next hard parts are! We also look at adoption trends within our customer base and consider whether IPv6 is now fully on the road to wide scale deployment.

The Mayan Perspective on the Business Case of IPv6 - Silvia Hagen
The business case of IPv6, or rather the lack of it, has been on everyone's lips for many years now. Often it has been used as an excuse to not invest in new technology. This almost global hesitation has probably been aggravated by the impacts of our current financial situation. This presentation addresses the old question in a new and much larger context. Viewing it from a larger perspective unveils hidden advantages and possibilities. The presentation also gives an overview of the advanced features of IPv6 and talks about the current situation in the market and expectations regarding the exhausting IPv4 address space.

Transition and the Asia Pacific IPv6 Taskforce - Tony Hill
As of August 2010, there are only 14 blocks of IPv4 addresses remaining to be allocated from the IANA pool. Of course, everyone says that is not the end of the IPv4 Internet, because there are still addresses available from all sorts of places, including the pool of addresses held by Regional Internet Registries, but these are likely to last only another 12 months at best. Indeed we are starting to see comments that the time for a smooth transition between IPv4 and IPv6 has already passed.

All sorts of questions are beginning to enter the debate. Would there be a market for sale and purchase of IPv4 addresses? What needs to happen between now and 2012? How can we rebuild the whole worldwide Internet so quickly? Do we have the tools and skills that we need? Who has developed effective transition strategies for IPv6? Asia Pacific has been the region of the most action for depletion of IPv4 addresses having used 6 blocks of addresses this year. What role can the Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force play in building the international collaboration necessary for this huge task?

IPv6 Security - Scott Hogg
Many international organizations already have IPv6 networks, the U.S. Federal organizations are working on their transitions to IPv6 and others are contemplating what IPv6 means to them. However, many organizations already have IPv6 running on their networks and they don't even realize it. Many computer operating systems now default to running both IPv4 and IPv6 and it could cause security vulnerabilities if one is not prepared. IPv6 security vulnerabilities currently exist and as the popularity of the IPv6 protocol increases so do the number of threats. This talk surveys the threats against IPv6 networks and provides solutions on how to mitigate them. It covers the issues and the current practices for securing an IPv6 network.

The Second Internet: Reinventing Computer Networks with IPv6 - Lawrence E. Hughes
I have released The Second Internet for free distribution via a Creative Commons license. It is 300+ pages, and includes a summary of IPv4 coordinated with coverage of IPv6 features, details and timeline regarding IPv4 depletion, transition mechanisms, and the organizations involved in IPv6 advocacy and rollout.

Probably its most useful feature is a series of highly detailed labs that talk you through creating an entire dual stack testbed network, including firewall (with 6in4 tunneling), DNS, Unix Server, Web Server and E-mail server. All labs can be done on generic PCs using open source software. I felt that it was important for the Internet community for this book to be available quickly and at no cost, and am coordinating translations of it into various languages. You can download The Second Internet for free from here or here.

The Economics of IPv6 Transition - Geoff Huston
The transition to IPv6 was meant to have been completed by now, yet the current metrics of IPv6 deployment still indicate a significant agenda lies before us. The initial adoption of the IPv4 Internet did not appear to have the same problems, so what is so different this time? This presentation will look at this question from the perspective of economics, rather than technology. What are the economic factors that are relevant to transition and does an economic perspective on this situation provide useful insights into the progress of this transition?

IPv6 Visibility: Making it Easy - Kevin Karp
The transition to IPv6 of over 15 years of accumulated IP infrastructure, including online content and functionality, will not be a trivial task. For many owners and maintainers of web sites their day-to-day attention is focussed on the routine operation of their online businesses. The visibility of these existing web sites to the emerging community of IPv6 users needs to be implemented rapidly, easily and inexpensively.

This presentation will examine the innovations incorporated into a new product specifically created to address this critical visibility requirement: Instant6. We will examine the technical design, features and operation of Instant6, the reaction of the market to uptake of the product and finally, future features to be incorporated into Instant6.

KREONET's IPv6 Experience for Korean Researchers - Joobum Kim
This presentation provide an update on IPv6-related deployments in KREONET and Korea. KREONET is the National research network in Korea and support many research areas like AARNet. We deployed IPv6 networks and developed IPv6 services in Daedeok Innopolis, which is a specialized area for science and technology R&D in Korea. In this presentation, I will explain the Daedeok IPv6 project for IPv6 adoption and revitalization. Moreover I will describe IPv6 transition outcomes of the Daedeok IPv6 project and developed specialized IPv6 services.

Cloud Computing, Internet of Things & Smart Grids Optimised through IPv6 - Latif Ladid
New large-scale infrastructure and services are starting to be deployed, namely Cloud Computing, Internet of Things and Smart Grids. Their design requires the end to end model and the two-way symmetric Internet to deliver the promised and anticipated large-scale deployment and services. But the e2e model in IPv4 was killed back in the '90s when NAT was introduced. The one-way Internet of today is by no means a base for these services to be deployed on a large scale. With just 7% of the IPv4 address space left and many of the remaining IPv4 addresses part of the dirty address swamp, CC, IoT and SmartGrid folks should move to IPv6 to benefit from its few dozen built-in features.

IPv6 was designed by the IETF IPv6 Task Force group that founded the IPv6 Forum, to cater for many deployment scenarios, starting with extension of packet technology and therefore supporting IPv4 with transition models to keep it working, even forever, and then to cater for new uses and new models that require a combination of features that were not tightly designed or scalable in IPv4. Features like IP mobility, end to end connectivity, end to end services, and ad hoc services. The extreme scenario is where IP becomes a commodity service enabling lowest cost deployment of large-scale sensor networks, RFID, IP in the car, to any imaginable scenario where networking adds value to commodity. This is called simply progress.

Comparing the Leading IPv6 Transition Mechanisms - Beatty Lane-Davis
With the v4 exhaustion clock now ticking very loudly in many carrier's ears, it's now widely understood that there aren't enough v4 addresses to go around. While a few pioneers like Google, YouTube and Facebook have recently launched services with wide-spread appeal over v6, it's clear that we're going to run out of addresses before much of the internet is reachable via both protocols. Fortunately, a huge amount of progress has been made in the last couple of years towards defining mechanisms to help us stretch the v4 resource as far as we can, enable v6 deployment over limited infrastructure and enable connectivity between v6 and v4.

We've now reached a point where a great deal of the standards work that defines the transition mechanisms has either reached or is near completion, roadmaps are hardening up, we can point to successful deployments at scale and encouragingly many more are in the planning/trial stages. As the leading transition mechanisms: NAT444, Dual-Stack Lite, 6rd and NAT64, all lean heavily on our well-worn migratory tricks of translation and tunnelling, this talk will compare and contrast how they go about solving the transition problems. We'll then take a brief look at what's going on under the hood of the routers doing the heavy lifting and finally we'll consider the practical implications of these approaches for both operators and end users.

The Next Generation Internet Project of Taiwan - Yi Lee
The successful experience of the interoperability and certification of next generation internet project of Taiwan will be introduced. This project sponsored by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, R.O.C., is executed by a strong team including members from universities, research institutes, private industries, and related non-profit or governmental organizations in Taiwan. As the principal investigator of the project, I would like to describe the achievements in terms of different aspects, including regulation and policy, IPv4 to IPv6 transition technology, industry development, and application and service of IPv6. Besides, in order to popularize IPv6 deployment in Taiwan, the Taiwan IPv6 readiness survey and IPv6 Taiwan Directory will also be introduced.

Secure Transition and Application Security Enforcement with IPv6 Secure Web Gateway - Qing Li
In today's complex world of web based applications and intertwined networks of dynamic content, applications and web threats exist in both IPv4 and IPv6 environments, and additional covert channels can be facilitated through the deployment of IPv6. As such, IPv6-capable Secure Web Gateway (SWG) must be deployed to perform, for example, dynamic content rating, spyware interception, and data leak prevention to enforce access policies and safe content retrieval. These same algorithms implemented in IPv6 SWG can also be utilized to enable what Blue Coat terms "policy aided transition", where IPv6-only clients can access applications and contents that reside in traditional IPv4 networks, and vice versa. In this session, I will discuss the critical roles played by IPv6-capable SWG in assisting the transition towards IPv6, in providing application layer security in native IPv6 environments, and in providing applications and protocols acceleration across IPv6 WANs.

Google version 6: Evolution - Jen Linkova
The widespread adoption of IPv6 depends on IPv6 content in the Internet. This talk will describes Google's approach to deploying IPv6 in a large-scape network environment. It will discuss our experience in providing reliable high-quality services over IPv6 to users. The presentation will show that IPv6 is not as expensive and hard to deploy as many people think, and also describe challenges we met and lessons we learned from our IPv6 adoption.

Addressing IPv6 Migration with Systems Management Tools - Alan Lloyd
IPv6 migration poses a threat to continuity and evolution of online business and it provides an opportunity for industry development in Australia - how can the risks be overcome and the opportunities realised? The migration of systems and hardware to IPv6 is an urgent and important issue for companies, governments and nations. While a hard stop for IPv4 new address allocation is estimated to be in 2012, there will possibly be IP addressing issues at an earlier time that will need to be managed to meet new networking initiatives. Examples of initiatives that could meet IP address restrictions are the NBN, ehealth, e-education systems.

IPv6 migration is commonly seen as a network technology issue, but there are IT industry and commercial barriers, legacy systems to evolve and IT budget issues. This presentation identifies the barriers and opportunities to IPv6, highlighting the "IT dollar" competition and the need for new tools to assist with the IPv6 migration process.

IPv6 Deployment at Monash - John Mann
After a long, gradual preparation phase, IPv6 is now being actively used at Monash. Mostly, it "Just Works", but has required some adjustments to procedures and how we think about various things. About 5,000 Monash machines consume about 100 GB of external IPv6 traffic per day. IPv6 has become a important service at Monash University. This talk will describe Monash's IPv6 deployment history, uptake drivers, challenges, and lessons learnt.

Enterprise IPv6 Deployment - Shannon McFarland
This session focuses on IPv6 deployment options for the enterprise and commercial network manager, with summary information about IPv6 implementation considerations. Implementation options will be given for specific areas of the network such as campus, WAN/branch and remote access.

Microsoft's IPv6 legacy: Herding the Elephant in the Room - Jorke Odolphi
So you've built your IPv6 network, updated your all your CPE to run natively ... but is your mission-critical software ready for IPv6? Why do I still need IPv4 to get my core services running? Microsoft client and network stack IPv6 implementation is quite solid but we're well past the point that we need to concern ourselves with layer 3 support and focus on all the software that doesn't support IPv6. Who is responsible for this legacy and bringing it into the new world?

From the experience of deploying public IPv6 for 3000 people for a 3-day conference, there's more than one elephant in the room that needs to be recognised - and this session will attempt to poke, prod and point fingers to round them all up.

Migrating to Distributed Data Centres Unified Cloud, with no IPv4 - Paul Pettigrew
Mach Technology is shortly to launch what we believe to be the first pure, end-end IPv6 private cloud platform in Australia. This is our second generation cloud platform, as the first was built from five years ago and operates across four federated data centres, with the most recent one opened by Senator Stephen Conroy in October 2008. We are also designing a digital grid for water utility sensors and smart meters for one of our government clients, to be implemented between 2015 and 2020, which would require a public IP address space on the order of 5 to 10 million addresses. Clearly, a job for IPv6!

What Services are Accessible via IPv6? - Mark Prior
One of the reasons heard for not deploying IPv6 is that there is nothing to access. Of course it's also said that there is no point in deploying something to access if there is no one to access it. This is a classic chicken or the egg dilemma, but is it really true?

This presentation will look at a collection of sites and pick on some services to see if they ARE accessible via IPv6. We'll also consider what might be BLOCKING the deployment of some services. This will provide a lot of useful information when preparing your internal justification for your IPV6 roll-out, moving from trial to production.

IPv6 in Intelligent Transport Systems - Jared Ring
The ubiquitous rollout of Intelligent Transport Systems to the Australian road network will bring about the singular biggest change to automotive transport since the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine. This massive network needs to support the addressability and contactability of every vehicle, electronic road sign, sensor, signallised intersection and toll point.

ITS networks will be built on IPv6 and be required to cross regulatory, legislative and carrier boundaries. Furthermore, ITS networks will need to work across a wide range of wireless technologies and be operable in a dynamic, mobile automotive environment.

This presentation will describe how IPv6 is used in Vehicle to Vehicle and Vehicle to Infrastructure communication, and how it may be used for Infrastructure to Infrastructure communication. Furthermore, this presentation will highlight the unanswered questions of how IPv6 will be used for ITS.

IPv6 Deployment Momentum - Phil Roberts
IPv6 deployment has been gaining momentum around the world, and this is especially visible in 2010. This talk will review IPv6 deployment in operators and content providers internationally, discuss business reasons for moving to IPv6 now, and various government efforts around the globe to encourage IPv6 deployment.

Architecting an IPv6 Enabled Network - Luigi Sorbello
As the run-out of public IPv4 addresses approaches, the deployment of IPv6 enabled networks is gathering pace. This presentation covers how to design, implement and test a dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 network. Having an IPv6 enabled network alone won't solve the problem, introducing IPv6 requires support across the entire IP ecosystem. Therefore, this presentation will also discuss some of the challenges faced both in implementing the network and managing the transition from IPv4 to IPv6.

Kiwis - Where the Hell are They? - Richard Wood
The New Zealand IPv6 Steering Group has been superceded by the New Zealand IPv6 Task Force, aligned with the Global IPv6 Forum and with representatives from service providers, vendors, government, industry and user associations. See The Task Force's main focus is on assisting with IPv6 implementation planning and is contracting a coordinator to that drive that process. Other areas include training and education. The presentation will outline progress with this work, include the first longitudinal results from the New Zealand IPv6 Survey of New Zealand's top 100 CIOs, and reference recent adoption activity in New Zealand.