
How Shall I Address Thee? Let Me Count the Ways... Karl Auer (0.6Mb)

This talk examines the pros and cons of techniques of IPv6 address configuration and selection, and disposes of a few myths and misconceptions along the way. Hosts in an IPv6 network can have manually configured addresses, or they can get addresses via DHCP, or they can autoconfigure themselves. Or all of the above!

Any host with more than one address (and in IPv6 a host always has more than one address) has to choose which of its addresses it will use as the source address when making a connection. The host it is connecting to may have many addresses as well, so a choice has to be made about what destination address to use. And let's not forget that IPv4 is still in the mix! This talk looks at how you can control the addressing process.

Multi-Year Expectations: Bringing IPv6 Up, and Taking IPv4 Down - Fred Baker (2.5Mb)

IPv6 deployment has taken a major step, with the June 2012 launch by major ISPs and content providers. In parallel, we see new technologies growing in industrial automation, health care, and the public utilities, each of which has big addressing requirements. What is a reasonable business and technical trajectory for the Internet? What can we expect to happen, and when should we expect it?

IPv6 in the Asia-Pacific: Opportunities Abound! - Michael Biber (1.8Mb)

Asia Pacific has emerged as the powerhouse of the Internet. With many 'firsts' to its credit and now many 'lasts': the first to empty the global pool of contiguous IPv4 addresses, or was that the last to extract the final IPv4 allocations? Many Asia Pacific economies, service providers, and equipment suppliers point the way to the emerging future, and they are embracing new technologies with gusto.

There are 59 separate economies in Asia Pacific and they provide a dynamic and widely differing perspective on IPv6 adoption and utilisation. There are many lessons to be learned and opportunities to be discovered. The Asia Pacific IPv6 Task Force is a clearing-house for information about these developments and this presentation will explore the pertinent issues. WARNING: This presentation will contain exponential graphs!

Home Networks Unchained with IPv6 - Dr Paul Brooks (5.3Mb)

This talk covers the in-home environment, broadband's Third Age, multiple networks and multiple providers, multihoming the home, and IPv6 to the rescue.

DDoS Attacks in APAC - Dick Bussiere [slides not available]

Continuous network monitoring by Arbor Networks reveals that the volume and intensity of DDoS attacks in the Asia-Pacific region continues to rise year over year. At a high level, we see that attacks against financial institutions in particular are up dramatically over 2011. In fact, the volume of attacks against financial institutions during the first quarter of 2012 has equaled the total volume of attacks for the entire year of 2011! Additionally, we see that attacks are shifting away from seasonal industries (e.g. e-commerce sites at Christmas) and towards industries with little seasonal variation.

IPv6 is on my Network...But What Just Happened?! - Jeff Carrell (1.2Mb)

During your IPv6 deployment, various unexplained addressing and access issues can occur, some of which could be:

  1. the clients received addresses, then lost them, then received them again, now clients can't communicate.
  2. traffic was being monitored on a specific address and all of a sudden it stopped, now it's on a different address.
  3. the clients have addresses, can access services on the local network, but cannot communicate to the Internet.
This presentation provides a series of mini-studies on IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol to understand where autoconfiguration functions may be present in the network, why they may or may not be desired, and what could be configured in the network infrastructure accordingly. An understanding of what is "running on the network", what is configured in the network infrastructure (routers and/or DHCPv6 services), what are the desired operational parameters, and what are the defined functions of the IPv6 standards, are all required to have a successful IPv6 deployment. The presentation will feature a live IPv6 network, where all of these configuration (and misconfiguration) options will be demonstrated on routers, servers, and clients.

IPv6 in the ARIN Region - John Curran (0.8Mb)

We have reached a critical point in the future of the Internet. IPv4 addresses are nearing depletion, and it is imperative that all organizations adopt the next generation of Internet Protocol, IPv6. John Curran, President and CEO of the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), will discuss the impact IPv4 depletion will have on the global Internet, including the dynamics that are driving this momentous change to IPv6. He will cover IPv6 adoption in the ARIN region, including results from the Global IPv6 Deployment Survey and US Government IPv6 uptake.

Leading the Way: Internode's IPv6 Deployment and Delivery - Simon Hackett (11.4Mb)

Through its long-term IPv6 deployment efforts and its interaction with industry and consumers, Internode has been able to act as a catalyst to help close some of the gaps that once served to inhibit IPv6 takeup by consumers and businesses alike. In 2012, as a part of the World IPv6 Launch, Internode has seen adoption of IPv6 continue to grow, with the protocol now offered by default for all new Internode customers.

Planning for IPv6: Opportunities and Challenges - Silvia Hagen (2.5Mb)

The introduction of IPv6 touches every component in your network. This makes an IPv6 project very complex and there are many dependencies to be considered. The market has changed since the exhaustion of the IPv4 pool and many large companies are in the process of planning deployments. Two years ago the most common question was "Do we really need IPv6?", but today the decision makers say "We know we have to introduce it, but how can we do this and where do we start?".

This presentation summarizes the current situation of "Best practices" and provides insights on how to approach this task, where to start, how to best make use of all the opportunities an IPv6 integration offers and where you can save substantial cost with adequate planning. Topics covered: Preparation, Project Overview, High-Level Plan, Assessment, Labs and Trials, and Vendor Evaluation.

IPv6 - Making Progress (Avoiding Failure) - Tony Hain (1.4Mb)

With two public ISOC-sponsored IPv6 events behind us, there is some real measureable progress being made. At the same time, most of the world has yet to start an IPv6 deployment, and many are unsure of how to make progress in their local network. This talk will identify some strategies for moving forward, as well as highlight how to avoid failure.

The Australian Government's Transition to IPv6: Strategy and Progress 2012 - John Hillier (0.3Mb)

The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), a business group of the Department of Finance and Deregulation, is the central coordination body for the transition of Australian Government agencies to IPv6. AGIMO have developed a whole of government IPv6 implementation strategy and work plan that provides agencies with a structured transition pathway, and calls for Government agencies to be IPv6 ready by the end of Q4 2012. Agency progress is monitored by use of quarterly surveys and is reported to the Chief Information Officer Committee.

The presentation will cover the Australian Government's approach to the transition to IPv6, and its progress to date. Each phase of the transition will be described along with the history in developing and implementing this At the completion of this presentation you will have an understanding of how the Australian Government is making its transition to IPv6.

Energy and the Future Internet - Dr Kerry Hinton (1.3Mb)

The annual growth rate of the Internet was well over 100% per annum during the late 1990's, before the dot-com crash. During the 2000's it reduced further when the 2007 Global Financial Crisis hit. However, through all this, the Internet is still growing at around 30%. At this rate the Internet will double its current traffic by 2020, triple it by 2022, quadruple by 2023. No other technological system is growing this rapidly.

As the Internet grows it demands more resources, in particular electrical power. Electricity generation is a major contributor to human-kind's carbon footprint. Therefore, continue exponential growth of the Internet is clearly not sustainable. However, the power consumption challenges of the Internet go beyond just growth. The nature of Internet traffic is changing. The migration to IPv6, the advent of mobile and interactive Cloud services and Machine-to-Machine communications will all compound the energy demands of the Internet. These issues will be discussed and some strategies for mitigation will be suggested.

These Aren't the 'Droids You're Looking For: Business Opportunities and IPv6 - Kevin Karp (2.8Mb)

I will examine the characteristics of the transition to IPv6 in the light of the commonly expressed belief there is no marketplace for IPv6, and that IPv6 implementations are inherently cost-only activities without any business or commercial benefit. In this talk I would like to ensure that, by its end, everyone understands the real situation regarding business opportunities and IPv6.

Convince Your Boss - Tom Limoncelli (0.9Mb)

What can we learn from enterprises that have already adopted IPv6? Tom will identify successful techniques both for "selling it to management" as well as technical strategies. Through the use of identifying "undeniable value" we detour around arguments to postpone. By taking on one small, easily justifyable, IPv6-related project we "prime the pump" for future growth of IPv6 within the enterprise.

Life After Launch - Jen Linkova (1.1Mb)

The presentation will discuss what we observed at Google during preparation for the World IPv6 Launch in 2012, during the event, and how our life has been since 6/6/12.

DIAC is Ready for IPv6 Business - Brian Meilak (0.5Mb)

The Australian Government Information Office (AGIMO) issued a directive that all agencies should complete IPv6 connectivity by December 2012. Unisys Australia implemented IPv6 connectivity in the very core of the Internet Gateways for The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). DIAC is now open and ready for IPv6 connectivity at their discretion: Web presence, Web browsing, Email, etc. Unisys's approach was a lot more than just putting load balancers out the front and using them to proxy IPv6 to IPv4. This brief presentation looks at the approach taken, why decisions were made, and lessons learnt.

A Brief IPv6 Firewall Comparison - Brian Meilak (4.7Mb)

I've been to a few presentations on IPv6 security which have ended up talking about IPv6 and IPSec. I have gone away from these presentations a little bit disappointed as I have not picked up anything to assist me in the real world. This brief presentation covers my experience with IPv6 and two vendor's firewalls.

Australian IPv6 End-user Capability - George Michaelson (9.0Mb)

Since 2010 APNIC has conducted a measurement programme to gauge end-user IPv6 capability worldwide. This presentation describes how this measurement is undertaken, and explores some of the results in the Australian Internet landscape.

Cloud and IPv6 Transitions: Implications for Enterprises - Dr Ciprian Popoviciu (1.6Mb)

Significant operational benefits can be achieved by correlating the Cloud and IPv6 transitions. These benefits are due to similarities in process and opportunities for reciprocal optimization. In particular, IPv6 has capabilities and functionality that can enable the deployment of a more scalable, a more featurer- rich and easier to operate Cloud. This presentation analyzes the correlation between these two inflection points and the direct implications it has on enterprises planning their cloud and IPv6 transition.

Prepare Your Enterprise for the Future: Embrace IPv6 Now - Yanick Pouffary (2.1Mb)

Enterprises and Governments around the globe are facing how to transition to IPv6 while ensuring business continuity. The time is now to plan is for IPv6 in your organization. IPv6 touches absolutely everything in your environment - applications, servers and storage, printers, mobile devices, web sites, intranets - all rely on IP addresses. The exhaustion of IPv4 addresses is upon us, this, coupled with the proliferation of mobile devices, expansion of networked consumer appliances, internet demographics, virtualization and cloud computing, demand for IP addresses is exponential.

Even those who still have IPv4 headroom need to consider the business impact of not being IPv6-capable. IPv6 transformation aims to build a pragmatic plan to transition to an IPv6-connected world which is aligned with overall business and IT strategy. This session will provide a practical guide to a holistic IPv6 transition, including the steps to secure and transition to IPv6, and an approach that drives business/IT alignment that encompasses implications of IPv6 beyond just the network.

NBN Co: Supporting Industry Migration to IPv6 - Chris Roberts (0.9Mb)

NBN Co is designing and constructing its network to support the communications industry that is in the process of migrating from IPv4 to IPv6. NBN Co provides Ethernet-based Layer 2 services in a manner that attempts to be completely agnostic to higher-layer protocols. NBN Co's Layer 2 product offers a number of optional features which allow interaction with an Access Seeker's Layer 3+ protocols. The presentation covers NBN Co's plans to support IPv6 for each of these product features, when planning their own migration from IPv4 to IPv6.

IPv6 in Malaysia: the Push from Government - Gopinath Rao Sinniah (3.2Mb)

Malaysia started adopting IPv6 from early 2000, and has been active in various IPv6 initiatives. It has been an uphill task to educate and convince the major stakeholders to use IPv6 in their network. Knowing that migration towards IPv6 is crucial to the growth of Internet, the Governement has been very supportive in realising that Malaysia be an IPv6-ready nation by 2013, and major efforts have been put in place to achieve it. This talk focusses on the journey of IPv6 in Malaysia since 2000 and also highlights the Government's effort in ensuring that IPv6 is widely adopted and used. Some related R&D work will also be shared.

NBN - Sorting Facts from Myths, and Taking Advantage of the Opportunities - Graeme Samuel [no slides presented]

  • Why did government move from FTTN to FTTH?
  • How important was the structural separation of Telstra's fixed line network from its retail operations?
  • Has the NBN created another government owned monopoly - is this a reversion to the days of Telecom?
  • Do we need a cost benefit analysis and how does this differ from the NBNCo business case ananlysis?
  • Will the structure of the NBN provide for genuine and vigorous competition, with resultant incentives for price and service competition and innovation?
  • Are there any modifications to the NBN that might be considered in the interests of efficiency?
  • Should the NBN be privatised - if so how and when?
  • What are some of the opportunities provided by the NBN - for example in areas of personal and business applications, health and education?

IPv6 and Mobile IPv6: Challenges and Opportunities for Mobile Network Operators - Hesham Soliman (3.7Mb)

The rapid growth of the Internet, and especially Internet-enabled mobile devices, has led to a consensus, and early adoption of IPv6. At this stage ISPs, telcos and many large enterprises have either deployed IPv6 to some extent, or are considering it seriously for their current deployments. This talk addresses the role of IPv6 in mobile networks, including advantages, challenges and expected benefits to ISPs and large enterprise networks.

IPv6 and Mobile IPv6 are introduced, followed by the challenges and opportunities for mobile operators. Mobile IPv6's potential benefits during the IPv4/IPv6 co-existence period and the overall benefits of its deployment for mobile operators are also addresses in this talk.

Managing Remote and Legacy Infrastructure in an IPv6 World - Ken Wilson (1.0Mb)

When businesses plan their IPv6 migration, this usually involves upgrading legacy equipment. However, in environments like pumping stations, factory floors, and even some datacentres, there is equipment for which no upgrades exist, or if they do, they aren't feasible. In many cases, external requirements mean this equipment will still need to function and be managed or monitored from IPv6 networks. This talk outlines some of the types of equipment which have issues with IPv6, and strategies to provide connectivity.

Wherefore Art Thou, IPv6? - David Woodgate (1.0Mb)

Telstra continues on its multi-year quest to introduce IPv6 capability into its major products. Throughout the past year there have been significant additions of IPv6 capability to some of its enterprise, government, and wholesale services - but what about the consumer products? This talk will discuss the progress that has been made this year, and share some perspectives on introducing IPv6 into large scale consumer products in the context of current industry developments.

The Road to IPv6 Taiwan - Prof. Yao-ming Yeh (3.6Mb)

This talk covers the Roadmap of the IPv6 Program in Taiwan, Taiwan IPv6 Status, Taiwan IPv6 UP Program, a survey of government network service systems, and data analysis.